[多项选择]下列关于消费投资结构的说法,正确的有( )。 A. 从支出角度来看,GDP由消费、投资和净出口三大部分构成 B. 消费包括私人消费和政府消费两部分 C. 投资也称为资本形成,包括固定资本形成和存货增加两部分 D. 私人购买住房的支出属于私人消费 E. 在中国,推动整个经济增长的主要力量是投资
The removal of the president was a very dangerous and unconstitutional example for other democratic countries. 参考答案:对 答案解析:[解析] The circumstances under which the president left office set a dangerous precedent for democ
第30题: [单项选择]Frank Friedel, in creating a biography of the United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt, has had to wrestle with something like 40 tons of paper. A. reckon B. ponder C. tackle D. challenge 参考答案:C