第27题: [多项选择]Part 3
1. Is there any change of climate in the past 20 years
2. What do you think the environment will be in the future
3. What is the cause of disasters Can we solve it
参考答案:A. Yes, nowadays the climate is getting more and more intolerable. If you stay in Beijing for a long time, you often feel the whether is too dry and windy. That is not good for people’’s health.
B. I think the environment in the future will recover if the law concerning air pollution can be put into effects and achieve a good result.
C. It is because of air pollution. Nowadays the increasing numbers of cars and buses whose exhausts sent a huge quantity of carbon monoxide into atmosphere, and it makes the air of the cities become unbeatable. It strips people of contact fresh air. As a result, the air is polluted. The creatures including plants and animals will be put at risk, furthermore, it weaken our human’’s health. We should plant more trees to solve this problem.