第14题: [单项选择]ANCA(抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体)阳性小血管炎,肾活检为新月体性肾炎,应首先采用 A. 甲基强的松龙冲击疗法 B. 口服激素 C. 细胞毒药物 D. 血浆置换 E. 支持疗法 参考答案:A 答案解析:1.新月体肾炎,ANCA(+)者为急进性肾炎三型或微量免疫球蛋白沉积型,应予强化免疫抑制治疗:即先给甲基强的松龙冲击治疗后,继以强的松(口服)和(或)环磷酰胺治疗(口服或注射)。 2.血浆置换清除循环
第23题: [单项选择]患者,女,56岁,反复腰痛2年。 肾虚型腰痛患者进行针刺治疗,符合近部取穴原则的穴位是 A. 昆仑 B. 大肠俞 C. 委中 D. 心俞 E. 合谷 参考答案:B 答案解析:循经取穴常用的取穴方法为近部取穴:选取疾病部位或附近的穴位进行治疗。大肠俞位于腰部,第四腰椎棘突旁开1.5寸。
第30题: [多项选择]PART 1 ·What differences are there in lifestyle between people from south and the from north 参考答案:There are a lot of differences between people from south and those from north, but it is hard to say exactly. Every province has different customs. Just like food. Most of northern people like noodles, while many southern people like hot food, because the weather in southern area tends to be moist. 答案解析:生活方式包含很多方面,比如饮食习惯、作息习惯等。