第5题: [单项选择]按照可持续发展观,固体废物处理处置的选择序列应为()。 A. 产生量最小化→堆肥处理→回收利用→焚烧处理→填埋处理 B. 产生量最小化→回收利用→堆肥处理→焚烧处理→填埋处理 C. 产生量最小化→回收利用→焚烧处理→堆肥处理→填埋处理 D. 回收利用→产生量最小化→堆肥处理→焚烧处理→填埋处理 参考答案:B
A. it is still being tried out B. drivers still have their doubts C. it increases the cost of car production D. carmakers are not sure if it is necessary 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析]从文章最后一段最后一句:But the carmakers haven't decided if they will carry it into production because it w