第9题: [单项选择]What is special about Mr. Phelps’s degree A. It integrates an assortment of courses. B. It includes Economics in the curriculum. C. Courses are taught individually. D. Students learn in separate booths. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] W: Mr. Phelps. I’m Margaret Smith. please sit down. M: Thank you. Good afternoon Mrs. Sm
第11题: [多项选择]发、承包双方应在合同条款中对下列事项进行约定:预付工程款的数额、支付时间及抵扣方式;工程计量与支付工程进度款的方式、数额及时间;();索赔与现场签证的程序、金额确认与支付时间;();承担风险的内容、范围以及超出约定内容、范围的调整办法;工程竣工价款结算编制与核对、支付及时间;工程质量保证(保修)金的数额、预扣方式及时间;与履行合同、支付价款有关的其他事项等。 A. 监理公司及总监的选定 B. 发生工程价款争议的解决方法及时间 C. 工程价款的调整因素、方法、程序、支付及时间 D. 场内临时设施搭设地点 参考答案:B, C
第31题:[单选题]•0121124134 A.3022 B.4323 C. DictMultiGroupStatic Load #4: D.sgim_gd_brand.bin 参考答案:A
第32题: [单项选择]He gradually ______ that his wife was right and he had to change his way of living. A. explored B. repelled C. simplified D. perceived 参考答案:D 答案解析:perceive觉得,意识到。句意:他逐渐意识到他妻子说得对,他必须改变自己的生活方式。A.explore探索,钻研;B.repel击退,抵制;C.simplify简化。