第14题: [单项选择]晚期肝硬化( ) A. 肝脏轻度肿大,质稍韧,表面光滑.边缘钝,有压痛 B. 肝脏肿大较明显,质韧或稍硬,压痛较轻 C. 肝脏明显肿大,质韧,表面光滑.边缘钝,有压痛,肝颈静脉回流征阳性 D. 肝脏缩小,脾大 E. 肝脏明显肿大,质硬如石,表面有大小不等的结节或巨块,边缘不整,压痛明显 参考答案:D
第27题: [多项选择]假设你在某日某时某地目击一起火灾,就此写一份见证书。见证书必须包括以下几点: 1.火灾发生的地点 2.你所见到的火灾场面 3.对火灾原因的分析 An Eye-witness Account of a Fire 参考答案:[范文] An Eye-witness Account of a Fire I was last Saturday morning. I was walking toward the small bookstore near our school when I heard people’s screams. I quickened my steps toward the Source of the screams and saw the gas station just opposite the bookstore was on fire. The front of the gas station and a car in front of it were on fire. People were shouting and running about and water was poured out from pipes. The car on fire was soon put out, badly damaged. But it was very difficult to put out the big fire on the gas station. Just at the urgent moment, there came the screams of fire trucks. With the help of the firefighters, the whole situation was quickly under control. I don’t know the exact reason why the gas station caught fire. But I think everyone should be careful at a gas station, because even a smoking cigarette can easily set fire on it. 答案解析:[审题] 本文是一篇见证书,一般要包括时间、地点、事件和自己的观点。对火灾场面的描写是文章的重点,可以从火势和人们的反应来描写。此外,对原因的分析要客观。 [写作思路] 第一段:交待目击火灾时的
第29题: [单项选择]10小时女婴,出生时有羊膜早破,Apgar评分1分钟7分,复苏后呼吸增快,肺部体征阴性,胸片双肺纹理增强、模糊,IsM增高,血培养无菌生长,诊断为 A. 湿肺 B. 胎粪吸入综合征 C. 生后感染性肺炎 D. 新生儿肺透明膜病 E. 宫内感染性肺炎 参考答案:E 答案解析:宫内感染性肺炎临床表现差异很大。多在生后24小时内发病,出生时常有窒息史,复苏后可有气促、呻吟、呼吸困难,体温不稳定,反应差。肺部听诊呼吸音可为粗糙、减低或闻及湿啰音。严重者可出现呼吸衰竭、心力衰竭、