第7题: [单项选择]The author is most probably leading up to__________. A. a proposal to control medical costs B. a discussion of a new medical treatment C. an analysis of the cause of inflation in the United States D. a study of lawsuits against doctors for malpractice 参考答案:A 答案解析:判断推理题。做此题需留心题干中的" leading up to ",由此将注意力放于文章最后一段,特别是末尾两句 " We estimate that about 75-80 percent of h
第30题: [单项选择]大承气汤的证治要点是() A. 痞、满、实 B. 燥、实 C. 痞、满、燥、实 D. 痞、满 E. 满、燥、实 参考答案:C
第31题: [单项选择]腹股沟斜疝与直疝在解剖上的区别中,下列哪项是正确的 A. 斜疝与腹横筋膜薄弱有关,直疝与腹内斜肌薄弱有关 B. 斜疝白内环处发生,沿精索发展;直疝则由海氏三角处发生,不沿精萦发展 C. 斜疝由腹壁下动脉内侧发生,直疝则由外侧发生 D. 斜疝疝囊在精索后方,直疝在前方 E. 斜疝的内环在凹间韧带内侧,直疝在内侧 参考答案:B