第5题: [多项选择]观察气液平面或腹腔内游离气体可采用() A. 腹部仰卧前后位 B. 腹部仰卧水平侧位 C. 腹部站立前后位 D. 腹部俯卧后前位 E. 腹部左侧卧后前位 参考答案:C, E 答案解析:观察气液平面或腹腔内游离气体常规采用腹部站立后前位(前后位),少量气体,站立位不能更多观察者,采用腹部左侧卧后前位,使游离气体分布在右膈下,肝脏上面。有利于影像诊断。
第30题: [单项选择]How is the kitchen different from all other kitchens on the market A. It is easier to clean and repair B. It is non-fixed and flexible C. All its units are of the same height D. Its chopping board is nearer to the sink 参考答案:B