第12题: [单项选择]已知某汉字的区位码是3222,则其国标码是( )。 A. 4252D B. 5242H C. 4036H D. 5524H 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 区位码转国标码分为两步:①分别将区号、位号转换成十六进制数;②分别将区号、位号各+20H(区位码+2020H=国标码)。本题中区号32转换成十六进制为20,位号22转换成十六进制为16。分别
第22题: [单项选择]患者女性,41岁。胆囊结石病史2年,主诉晚餐后突然出现右上腹阵发性剧烈疼痛,向右肩、背部放射,伴有腹胀、恶心、呕吐等症状。体检示:体温38.9℃,脉搏112次/分,血压106/85mmHg。右上腹部有压痛、肌紧张、反跳痛。实验室检查:WBC 10.5×109/L,中性粒细胞0.79。 在非手术治疗期间,减轻疼痛的护理措施不包括 A. 卧床休息 B. 胃肠减压 C. 消炎禾0胆 D. 注射吗啡 E. 注射654-2 参考答案:D
In my opinion, I think that children should not be paid to take care of their home.
reason 1
The first reason is that kids need to do some domestic chores so as to feel that they are members of the family. They need to learn how to take care of the family’s home where they were born so that they will know how to take care of their own home eventually after getting married.
reason 2
Besides, we need to make children know that doing housework helps cultivate both the good work ethic and their responsibility. So it’s unnecessary to pay them money or other kind of benefits for doing housework.
In a word, I think it doesn’t need to pay them for the sweeping.