第3题: [单项选择]关于肘关节正位摄影的说法,错误的是 A. 检查肘关节及周围软组织 B. 使肘关节屈曲约呈120° C. 背侧置于暗盒上 D. 尺骨鹰嘴置胶片中心 E. 照片显示肘关节间隙清晰 参考答案:B 答案解析:肘关节正位摄影,肘关节伸直置于暗盒上,肘关节呈180°,关节面呈切线位显示,明确锐利。
第30题: [简答题]Part 1Weather/ Season
What weather do you like
Do you like hot or cold weather
What is the weather like in China
What are the differences among four seasons in China
What is the influence of weather on people
Does the weather ever affect what people do