第5题: [单项选择]男性,75岁,体重60kg,身高170cm;全麻下行食管癌切除术,因术中心率偏快,3h手术共使用舒芬太尼75pg。术后吞咽、咳嗽反射均恢复,用大声唤之能醒,肌力正常,吸氧情况下SpO为98%。因不能耐受气管插管而拔管,但拔管后患者嗜睡,因此在鼻导管吸氧下继续在麻醉后恢复室观察。30min后,患者SpO下降至70%。该患者SpO2下降的最可能原因是() A. 脑梗死 B. 延迟性呼吸抑制 C. 气胸 D. 电解质紊乱 E. 以上都不是 参考答案:B
第10题: [填空题]What is an offer 参考答案:An offer is a proposal made by one party (offeror) to another (offeree) with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted. It must be clear and certain, it may be made orally or in writing or by conduct. An offer can be made to a particular individual or to a group of persons, or to the world at large.
第15题: [单项选择]深圳证券交易所根据会员的申请和业务许可范围,为其设立的交易单元设定的交易或其他业务权限不包括( )。 A. 一类或多类证券品种或特定证券品种的交易 B. 大宗交易 C. 协议转让 D. 自营证券交易 参考答案:D 答案解析:深圳证券交易所根据会员的申请和业务许可范围,为其设立的交易单元设定下列交易或其他业务权限:①一类或多类证券品种或特定证券品种的交易;②大宗交易;③协议转让;④ETF、LOF及非上市开放式基金等的申购与
第23题: [单项选择]Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. Call on people to protect sharks. B. Point out the living environment of sharks. C. Explain why the sharks are dangerous. D. An introduction to sharks. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文]32-35 Scientists say sharks have lived in the world’s oceans for millions of years. Sci