第1题: [多项选择]腰椎间盘突出症中腰5神经根受压的体征有()。 A. 踝反射异常 B. 外踝及足背感觉异常 C. 膝反射异常 D. 小腿外侧及足背内侧感觉减退 E. 趾背伸肌力减低 参考答案:D, E 答案解析:腰椎间盘突出症中腰5神经根受压的体征为:小腿外侧及足背内侧感觉减退;趾背伸肌力减低。
第29题:[单选题]( )Here is a package of mail from the crew.Please send by air mail A.Please have the crew ’s mail air mailed B.Please have the crew? s parcel air mailed C.Please have the crew’s mail packaged D.Please have the crew5 s parcel packaged 参考答案:A