第2题: [简答题]写信人:Wang Haiyang 写信人E-mail地址:Wanghaiyang@hotmail.com 写信时间:2008年12月23日 收信人:Mr.Johnson 收信人E-mail地址:sales-department@hotmail.com 内容:我们已于12月22日收到了贵公司的3,000件产品,但是根据我们签订的第35号订单,产品数量应该为3,500件,另外500件我们至今仍未收到。请贵公司核实一下发货单,并尽快给我们答复。 参考答案:
From:Wanghaiyang@ hotmail.com
Date:December 23 rd,2008
To:sales-department@ hotmail.com
Subject:Check the product list
Dear Mr.Johnson,
We have received the 3,000 products from your company on December 22nd,2008,but according to our signing of the No.35 order,the number of products should be 3,500,the other 500 products we have not received sofar.Please check your product list.
We are looking forward to your early reply!
Yours faithfully,
Wang Haiyang
1.According to our signing of the No.35 order.根据我们签订的第35号订单
2.Please check
第31题: [单项选择]在规划土石坝施工料场时,实际可开采总量与坝体填筑量之比最小的材料是______。 A. 土料 B. 石料 C. 反滤料 D. 砂砾料 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 实际可开采总量与坝体填筑量之比一般为:土料2.0~2.5;砂砾料1.5~2.0;水下砂砾料2.0~3.0;石料1.5~2.0;反滤料应根据筛后有效方量确定,一般不宜小于3.0。