第6题:[多选题]含硫化氢天然气井发生井喷,符合()之一时,应在15分钟内实施井口点火。 A. 井喷失控且距井口500米范围内存在未撤离的公众。 B. 距井口500米范围内居民点的硫化氢3分钟平均监测浓度达到100ppm,且存在无防护措施的公众。 C. 井场周围1000米范围内无有效的硫化氢监测手段。 D. 无有效的硫化氢监测手段,井场周围1500米范围内无常住居民。 参考答案:ABC
第7题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. Go to check the dining hall again. B. Borrow her book. C. Ask about the book at the information desk. D. Buy a new one. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
M: Can you lend me your history book I left mine in the dining hall. And it was missing Whe