第6题: [单项选择]关于附睾,错误的叙述是 A. 是男性附属腺体 B. 是输送精子的管道 C. 附睾尾接输精管 D. 表面覆盖有睾丸鞘膜脏层 E. 附睾头由睾丸输出小管盘曲而成 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 附属性腺包括精囊、前列腺和尿道球腺。
第7题: [填空题]The passage aims to tell parents some secrets on how to help their child become an outstanding student. 参考答案:Y 答案解析:[题眼] The passage {{U}}aims to{{/U}} tell parents some secrets on how to help their child become an o