第14题: [多项选择]Discuss with your partner about culture differences in leadership.
job satisfaction
working attitudes and performance
参考答案:A: We noted a number of cultural differences in several motivation theories.
B: The research shows what simple, direct relationship between satisfaction and performance has not been found.
A: Another reason for the lack of a clear relation ship between satisfaction and performances is the intervening role of rewards.
B: Employees who receive valued rewards are more satisfied.
A: Culture affects working attitudes and performance.
B: Culture may also affect the factors that lead to job satisfaction.
A: Organizations face the challenge of operating in the global environment, and managers must understand that job satisfaction is significantly affected by culture.
第21题: [单项选择]经营收入是指向社会出售、出租房地产商品或自营时的货币收入,包括销售收入、出租收入和自营收入。下列有关的计算公式不正确的是( )。 A. 自营收入=营业额-商品营业成本-行政管理部门收取的管理费、财务费 B. 出租收入=出租房屋建筑面积×房屋的租金单价 C. 销售收入=销售房屋面积X房屋销售单价 D. 经营收入=自营收入+出租收入+销售收入 参考答案:A 答案解析:自营收入=营业额-商业营业成本-自营中的商业经营风险回报。