第12题: [单项选择]想治好病又怕动手术,属于一种()冲突。 A. 双趋式 B. 双避式 C. 趋避式 D. 多重趋避 参考答案:C 答案解析:对同一个目标同时产生两种动机,因能满足需要希望趋近它,又因它构成了对自己的威胁又想避开它,抉择时所引起的冲突即趋避式冲突。想要治好病是"趋",怕动手术是"避"。故本题选C。
第33题: [单项选择]The reason why advertising is wasteful is that ______. A. the cost of advertising acids to the cost of consumers B. the cost of advertising adds to the cost Of goods C. advertising encourages consumers to buy a brand D. advertising simply moves sales 参考答案:B 答案解析:答案在第二段的第二句话“They argue that the cost of advertising adds to the cost of goods.”意为“他们认为广告的费用增加了商品的成本”