第11题: [单项选择]The owner’s equity in a business comes from two sources: ______. (1) Investment by the owner (2) Notes receivable (3) Earnings from profitable operation of business (4) Accounts receivable A. (2) and (4) B. (1) and (3) C. (1) and (2) B. (3) and (4) 参考答案:B 答案解析:句意:所有者权益来源两方面:一是投资者投入,二是留存收益。the owner’s equity所有者权益。notes receivable应收票据。earnings from profitable o
第17题: [单项选择]伤寒病诊断()。 A. 玻片凝集法 B. 试管凝集法(肥达试验) C. 抗球蛋白试验(Coombs试验) D. 碳素凝集试验 E. 免疫比浊法 参考答案:B 答案解析:3.肥达试验(Widaltest)是一种试管凝集反应,用于检测沙门杆菌感染。用已知的伤寒杆菌O抗原、H抗原和甲、乙型副伤寒杆菌H抗原,与患者血清做定量凝集试验,以测定患者血清中有无相应抗体存在,作为伤