第13题: [单项选择]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. She should keep leaning forward B. She should cross. C. She should go step by step like a crab. D. She should point the tips together. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] If the woman wants to stop,what should she do
第18题: [多项选择]注册税务师受托审核纳税人营业税纳税情况,下列事项理解错误的有( )。 A. 纳税人转让土地使用权或者销售不动产,采取预收款方式的,其纳税义务发生时间为收到预收款的当天 B. 自2007年8月1日起,对个人出租住房,不区分用途,在3%税率的基础上减半征收营业税 C. 自2009年1月1日起,境内保险机构为出口货物提供的保险产品不征税 D. 单位和个人在旅游景区兼有不同税目应税行为并采取“一票制”收费方式的,应当从高适用税率 E. 铁路关联收入包括协议加价收入、自备车管理费等 参考答案:C,D 答案解析:[解析] 选项C属于免税。选项D中,单位和个人在旅游景区兼有不同税目应税行为并采取“一票制”收费方式的,应当分别核算不同税月的营业额;未分别核算或核算不清的,从高适用税率。
第35题: [单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. It’s bigger than he has imagined. B. It’s much more brighter. C. It’s smaller than he has thought. D. It’s full of furniture. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] M: I don’t remember the room being this small. I thought it was a lot bigger when we came