第3题: [单项选择]如果覆盖区域为1000km2:GSM需要200个基站,CDMA只需()个基站。 A. 100 B. 80 C. 50 D. 30 参考答案:C
第4题: [多项选择]Making a formal presentation 正式演讲 No comment 无可奉告 参考答案:I’m not in a position to make comments on this. I’ll deal with this later, if I may, but for now... I’ll come back to this question later in my talk. I won’t comment on this now... We’ll be examining this question in more detail later on.
第25题: [简答题]青海省是我国西部的贫困地区,在此建设大型工业项目对我国的西部大开发战略具有极为重要的政治和经济意义。 参考答案:
Qinhai province is a poor region in the western part of China. Building large industrial projects is of great political and economic significance to the strategy of developing the west.
第34题: [单项选择]Ted : Hi, Christine. ______ Christine : Hi, Ted. I just bought a new camping tent. I can't wait to use it. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[注释] 对话中。Ted问Christine在忙什么,她说刚买了个宿营帐篷,等不及想用了。A选项表示“放映什么”B选项表示“忙什么”或“什么事”符合题意;C、D意思分别为“出了什么问题”和“什么是对的