第16题: [单项选择]语句Dim a(-3 To 4,3 To 6)As Integer定义的数组元素个数是( )。 A. 18 B. 28 C. 21 D. 32 参考答案:D 答案解析:【解析】Dim用在窗体模块或标准模块中,定义窗体或标准模块数组,也可用于过程中。数组定义的格式可以为:Dim数组名(第一维下标上界[,第二维下标上界]…)As类型名称;还可为:Dim数组名([下界To
第26题: [填空题]S8 参考答案:The belief in the rule of law gees beyond the realm of politics to other areas of life that are governed by formal rules and procedures.
答案解析:Main points: Their faith in the law is not only in politics, but also in many other areas.