第5题: [单项选择]下面哪一个是四川省电力公司精益转型“持续改进”阶段任务?() A. 全员自发自觉进行精益改善,公司业绩和管理水平创国际一流 B. 全面推进三集五大精益化,同步实施重点专项精益化提升 C. 实现三集五大核心业务核心资源精益化 D. 全面建成精益型企业,建成四川电力精益管理体系 参考答案:A
Personally, I would like to choose study independently.
reason 1
The first reason is that I prefer to think and solve problems by myself. It will make me understand the materials better without disturbance from others while I’m studying and solving problems. Besides, I feel happy no matter when I conquer difficulties by myself.
reason 2
The second reason is that, studying independently is the best way to concentrate on my weaker areas and this might not be discussed within group studies. I’d make a studying plan for myself: thus, I don’t need to waste my time on the material that I already get familiar with, and I can make full preparation for my test.
Because of these reasons above, I prefer to study independently.
第19题: [单项选择]下列说法中正确的为( )。 A. 采暖管道的材质,应根据采暖热媒的性质、管道敷设方式选用,并应符合国家现行有关产品标准的规定 B. 采暖管道的材质,应根据采暖系统的形式选用,并应符合国家现行有关产品标准的规定 C. 采暖管道的材质,应根据散热设备的类型选用,并应符合国家现行有关产品标准的规定 D. 采暖管道的材质,应根据散热设备的材质选用,并应符合国家现行有关产品标准的规定 参考答案:A