A. were not well-designed B. were well-designed C. were good examples for engineers of our time D. were out of consideration when we talk about engineering later 参考答案:A 答案解析:纵观全文,在第一段首句,作者提到The opinion of many engineers is that the architects…did a good job in designing the
第6题: [不定项选择]施工定额中主要材料消耗定额的制订方法有( ) A. 理论计算法 B. 统计法 C. 试验法 D. 类推比较法 E. 现场技术测定法 参考答案:A,B,C,E
第23题:[单项选择]<BR><BR><DIV><TABLEcellSpacing=0cellPadding=0width="100%"border=0><TBODY><TR><TDvAlign=topwidth="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV><br/>A.Stopandtakearest.<br/>B.Waitfortherestofthegroup.<br/>C.Keepgoing.<br/>D.Restwhensheistired.<br/>参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
M:Would you like to stop for a rest now
W:We’re almost at the top of the hill.
Q:What doe
第27题: [单项选择]液态水具有易流动性和粘滞性,关于二者的相互关系,下列说法不正确的是()。 A. 粘滞性在液体静止或平衡时是不显示作用的 B. 粘滞阻力不能阻止静止液体在切向力的作用下开始流动 C. 液体运动时的粘滞阻力能够使液体的流动缓慢下来 D. 液体运动时的粘滞阻力能够使液体的流动加快起来 参考答案:D
第28题: [单项选择]影响借款人营运资金需求的因素不包括哪一项() A. 固定资产投资计划 B. 上年度销售利润率 C. 预计销售收入年增长率 D. 存货周转天数 参考答案:A