第10题: [单项选择]河北省雄县粮食公司与湖南省茶陵县粮食公司签订了粮食购销合同,合同没有约定履行地点。2印3年9月,雄县方将508袋粮食用汽车运到河北省徐水县火车站。茶陵县粮食公司采购员对粮食验收合格后,由雄县粮食公司交铁路部门承运到长沙,运费由供方自理。茶陵县粮食公司自费用汽车将粮食运至茶陵。该合同的履行地点应是( ) A. 湖南茶陵 B. 河北雄县 C. 河北徐水 D. 湖南长沙 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析]本题考合同履行地,见《最高人民法院关于适用(中华人民共和国民事诉讼法)若干问题的意见》第19条的规定。
(a) explain the term subrogate right (right of subrogation); (3 marks) 参考答案:
In accordance with Article GC of the Contract Law, the term subrogate right (right of subrogation) refers to such a right as authorised to a party (creditor) by the law to claim, in his own name, the creditor’s right against a third party to whom there is not direct contractual relations between them.