[单项选择]h would give me prestige in his eyes, or at least make me less suspect, foreigner though I was.() A. ...as they respected foreigners. B. ...because they admired foreigners. C. ...even if they didn't like foreigners. D. ...even though they didn't trust foreigners.
第3题: [单项选择]骨盆出口横径是 A. 坐骨结节前端内侧缘之间的距离 B. 坐骨结节前端外侧缘之间的距离 C. 坐骨结节中段外侧缘之间的距离 D. 坐骨结节后端内侧缘之间的距离 E. 坐骨结节后端外侧缘之间的距离 参考答案:A 答案解析:解析:骨盆的出口横径也称坐骨结节间径,是两坐骨结节内缘的距离.正常值平均为9 cm。
第4题: [单项选择]尤其适于老年人和儿童退热的是() A. 布洛芬 B. 贝诺酯 C. 阿司匹林 D. 对乙酰氨基酚 E. 20%安乃近溶液 参考答案:D
A. sports news B. our decisions and
opinions C. mass communication D. our
messages E. source of information F. the mass
Television, radio and books are all important media of ______. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查的是对阐述文章的主旨事实与细节的了解。依据是第二段的三四句Examples of media are television,radio,newspapers and books an