第10题: [单项选择]患者,男,外伤后行眼科超声检查时发现:玻璃体暗区内出现弧形强回声光带,界面整齐菲薄,面向前,光带与眼球壁之间为液性暗区,眼球运动时,可见光带轻度震颤,运动方向垂直于眼球壁若眼科超声检查时发现:在眼球轴位层面显示倒八字形光带,宽口向前,窄口向后,与视乳头接触,横断面显示玻璃体内光环则该患者最可能是() A. 部分性视网膜脱离 B. 完全性视网膜脱离 C. 陈旧性视网膜脱离 D. 脉脱性视网膜脱离 E. 牵引性视网膜脱离 参考答案:B
第17题: [单项选择]What is the man going to do with his house A. She is probably to fail the exam again. B. She doesn’t want to pass the exam because she wants to disappoint the man. C. She is confident that she will pass the exam. D. She didn’t take part in the exam. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] M: I hope you can pass the exam this time. W: I’m afraid I’ll have to make you disappoi