第5题: [单项选择]一台计算机的配置标有PIV—800,其中800代表( )。 A. CPU主频 B. 计算机价格 C. 硬盘容量 D. 以上均不对 参考答案:A 答案解析:[考点] 计算机硬件 [解析] 一台计算机的配置标有PIV—800,其中800代表CPU主频。主频是指计算机的时钟频率,即CPU在单位时间(秒)内的平均操作次数,是决定计算机速度的重要指标,
第7题: [单项选择]Some experts believe that the overheating of the Chinese stock market is a structural problem that will be ______ by developing more financial products. A. strengthened B. resolved C. upgraded D. compensated 参考答案:B 答案解析:[理由] 根据语意及用法,(B)应为正选。
What does the man prefer to do A. Staying at home. B. Taking a plane. C. Taking a bus. D. Taking a train. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] W: If I were you, I would take a plane instead of a bus. It will take you forever to get
第32题:[单选题]搬运物料描述错误的是? A.A:开箱应佩戴手套并正确使用工具 B.
B:搬运设备必须有足够的人力和可靠的搬运工具,索具绑扎紧固,防止人员被砸伤、压伤; C.
C:搬运带强腐蚀性液体的物料时,可以按照任意朝向搬动 D.
D:设备固定过程中必须有人协助保持机柜平衡,防止机柜倾覆。 参考答案:C