第10题: [单项选择]甲省乙市工商管理局对出售盗版光盘的个体工商户丙处以罚款,如丙不服, ( )申请行政复议。 A. 应当向乙市人民政府 B. 可以向乙市工商管理局 C. 应当向甲省工商管理局 D. 可以向乙市人民政府 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析]
第25题:[单选题]A lifeboat with a self-contained air support system when proceeding with all entrances and openings closed, the air in the lifeboat remains safe and breathable and the engine runs normally for a period of more than min._ _ _ _ A.5min B.10min C.20min D.30min 参考答案:B