第12题: [单项选择]民警违反“五条禁令”的,对所在单位直接领导、主要领导予以( );民警违反规定使用枪支致人死亡,或者持枪犯罪的,对所在单位直接领导、主要领导予以( );情节恶劣、后果严重的,上一级单位分管领导,主要领导 ( )或者予以撤职。 A. 警告,严重警告,行政记过 B. 纪律处分,引咎辞职,纪律处分 C. 严重警告,撤职,纪律处分 D. 纪律处分,撤职,引咎辞职 参考答案:D
A. Europe has already imposed tariffs on America. B. America and Europe have fought with each other because of the trade dispute. C. The WTO is inactive toward the dispute. D. The Congress and the Senate will not change the law. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文]25-26 The trade dispute between America and Europe has been a war of words so far with