第9题: [单项选择]The form of receipt for any Customs duties collected for the delayed payment shall be prescribed by ______. A. The Customs General Administration B. The Customs Houses C. The Tariff commission D. The Ministry of Finance 参考答案:A
第11题: [单项选择]Which of the following printer types uses thin print pins to transfer ink from a fiber or ribbon? () A. impact B. laser C. solid ink D. ink jet 参考答案:A
第12题: [单项选择]第十一组: 患者,女性,50岁。右上腹隐痛6月,1小时前提取重物后突发头晕、心慌,面色苍白,既往有乙肝病史和胃病史。查体:P 110次/分,Bp75/50mmHg,腹胀,右上腹压痛。化验:Hb 69g/L, WBC 9.0×109/L,N 070,HBsAg(+)。 患者行手术治疗后,引流管内出现中等量黄色引流液,可以考虑 A. 胆瘘 B. 肠瘘 C. 胃瘘 D. 正常引流液 E. 以上均有可能 参考答案:A