第26题:[单项选择]<br><br><br/>A.Ithasthemostaggressivepolicies.<br/>B.Ithasthehappieststudents.<br/>C.Itisaveryexpensiveprivateschool.<br/>D.Itislocatedonthebeach.<br/>参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] What is the feature of Pepper dine
[解析]D 是最后一句的再现。
第27题: [多项选择]所列选项中哪些行为属于犯罪未遂( ) A. 某甲潜入本单位财务室正在撬保险柜,忽然听门外有人走动,以为被发现,跳窗逃走 B. 某乙用猎枪瞄准正在骑马的某甲,欲将其打死,结果将马打死,某甲只受轻伤 C. 某丙煽动群众抗拒国家法律的实施,被群众送到公安机关 D. 某丁在旅馆内偷得同室某乙的存物牌,欲冒领某乙所存物品,后某乙发现存物牌丢失,丁恐事情败露遂说自己刚拾到一个存物牌,随即从口袋中取出交给某乙 参考答案:A,B 答案解析:丙是犯罪既遂,丁是犯罪中止。参见《刑法》第22、23条规定的内容。
第30题: [单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. To put the homework on Jack’s desk. B. To leave the master key for Jack. C. To give Jack’s students the next assignment. D. To call Jack at the end of the afternoon. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] What does Janet almost forget to ask professor Webster