第1题: [多项选择]下列选项中,关于串级调节系统说法正确的有()。 A. 系统有主、副两个互相串联的调节器 B. 副调节回路把一些主要干扰在没有进入主调节对象以前加以克服 C. 当对象的滞后和惯性较小时适合使用串级调节系统 D. 当对象有两个干扰作用(分别位于调节阀前后)时,不宜使用串级调节 参考答案:A, B
第9题: [单项选择]A. It is quite cold in London now. B. The man is planning to visit London. C. The woman will stay in London for a long time. D. The woman likes the weather in London very much. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] M: What was the weather like when you left London last Tuesday W: It was very much like