第35题: [多项选择]一项对12个国家的1.9万人次进行的调查显示,男员工、老员工和工作稳定的员工通常面临的工作压力最大。这些员工同时面临来自家庭的压力,肩上的责任也越来越大。调查同时还发现,压力随着年龄的增长而显著增加。工作有一定压力是不可避免的,如果压力能够让员工在习以为常的舒适环境中更加努力工作、工作得更漂亮的话,有压力就是件好事。不过,如果长期压力过大,反而会适得其反,因为这样难免会影响生产效率,导致生理和心理方面的疾病。 参考答案:A survey of AI,000 people across AB countries indicates that male workers, older staff and those in steady jobs are under the greatest pressure. These workers could also be suffering from added stress at home and increased responsibility. The survey has also found that stress increases significantly with age. A certain amount of stress is inevitable and can be a good thing when it pushes people beyond their comfort zone to work harder and smarter. But high levels of prolonged stress are not good because they affect productivity and are associated with physical and emotional illness.