第18题:[单选题] A security A. is a claim or price of property that is subject to ownership. B. promises that payments will be made periodically for a specified period of time. C. is the price paid for the usage of funds. D. is a claim on the issuers future income. 参考答案:D
第19题: [单项选择]犬疥螨病临床症状不包括() A. 病犬皮肤发红,有红色疹状小节,进而形成水泡 B. 水泡破溃后,形成黄色鱼鳞状痂皮 C. 皮肤增厚或龟裂,因剧烈瘙痒而搔抓、啃咬或摩擦患部,造成严重脱毛 D. 病狗体重增加,蛋白尿 参考答案:D