[解析] 党的各级纪律检查委员会是党组织中专门行使监督、检查权的机关,是党的监督形式之一。其主要通过受理人民群众对在国家行政机关中工作的党员的违法乱纪的申诉控告来实施监督的。
参考答案:Topic A: Housing Tips, Words and Expressions Downtown fiat The pros conveniently located to shops and schools / more entertainment / better education for children The cons high price / small / traffic jam / air and noise pollution Suburb house The pros. quieter / more communication with neighbours / lower price / vegetation The cons time spent on commuting / inefficient health care and education / Topic B: Marriage Tips, Words and Expressions Clues: faithfulness / willingness to give, take and share / understanding and mutual support / two children / common hobby / get along well with parents-in-law / tolerance and compromise / commitment Sample: What an ideal marriage means may differ from person to person. The three factors that I believe will contribute to a successful marriage are commitment, tolerance and willingness to give. Once you say the wedding vow, you make a promise that you will commit to the marriage, "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish". It is the time you realize the responsibility you have towards your partner, that you have to work on it to strength the tie. Marriage is never just the sparkle, or the chemistry. It takes much more than that. Imagine two individuals, coming from different backgrounds, with different habits and hobbies, have to live under the same roof for BD hours a day and G days a week. Conflicts arising out of these discrepancies are unavoidable. At this moment, each side should show some tolerance, being aware that this is only natural for couples. The third factor is that both sides need to realize that they not only take but also give in the marriage. This willingness to share, give, even sacrifice for the other guarantees the smooth tie between husband and wife. It definitely takes a lot more for a marriage to remain happy but the commitment, tolerance and willingness to give are the three fundamental ones. Topic C: Family Tips, Words and Expressions bedtime reading / spend time playing with children / a traditional dinner / contact via mobile and Internet / quality time / be sensitive to children’s needs 第29题:[判断题]二级动火时,工区分管生产的领导或技术负责人(总工程师)可不到现场。 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A 第30题: [单项选择]关于女性正常骨盆,实际上常常是属于 A. 妇女型骨盆 B. 男子型骨盆 C. 扁平型骨盆 D. 类人猿型骨盆 E. 混合型骨盆 参考答案:A 第31题: [判断题]角尺是测量直角的量具,也是划平行线和垂直线的导向工具。 参考答案:对 第32题:[判断题]配电箱送电操作顺序:末级配电箱→分配电箱→总配电箱。( ) A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:B 第33题:[单选题]在低压用电设备上停电工作前,应验明确无(D),方可工作。 A.A-电流 B.B-电阻 C.C-故障 D.D-电压 E.略 F.略 G.略 参考答案:D 第34题: [简答题]一般来说,消费者通过什么途径获得的信息最多? 参考答案:商业来源 第35题: [单项选择]2002年底至2003年初,我国出现SARS疫情。应对措施哪项是错误的()。 A. 加强公共卫生、基础、临床医学三者的结合 B. 监测手段、诊断、治疗、疫苗必须不断测试、改善和更新 C. 提高各级监测和反应能力 D. 整合实验室科学和流行病学,优化公共卫生实践 E. 民众需闭门不出,以防感染 参考答案:E 第36题:[单选题]派出所干警张某与同事李某开玩笑,拿起桌子的自己卸过子弹的手枪向李某打了一枪,不料枪中尚有一颗子弹,当场将李某打死。张对李的死亡结果持() A.间接故意 B.疏忽过失 C.过于自信的过失 D.无罪过 参考答案:B 我来回答: 提交