第10题: [多项选择]在农业保险的保险金额确定中,说法正确的是()。 A. 保成本的方式适用于生长期农作物保险、森林保险和水产养殖保险 B. 采用保成本方式确定保险金额的,在部分损失的情况下,保险人的赔偿责任是被保险人的收益与保险金额之间的差额 C. 生长期农作物可以农作物的预期收益辆作为保险标的的价值,按照一定成数确定保险金额 D. 大牲畜保险可以使用报产值的方式确定保险金额 参考答案:A,B,C
Ladies and Gendemen,
The,fall is here and leaves are colored.It’s time for us to go outing!
Our Workers’Union has decided to organize a two-day outing to the Will Park in the west of the city.
We’ll start atG://00 a.m.On the coming Saturday(Nov.A0),spend one night in the living area of the park and return back home at aboutG:00 p.m. On Sunday.
The activities we planned right now are hunting,evening camping party,animal shows, playing games with tigers and liora and so on.We’ll have a great fun!
The expense The Union will pay for the whole activities,including entrance for the park,transportation, one night staying in the reserved hotel,two day smeals,and all the activities organized by the Union.Exciting!
Let’s go! Be sure,we’ll get together at the hall of our building at F:DE a.m. Saturday.
Everyone who goes please give us a call:000A 000G
Ore-mail us:XXXX@news.com
第31题: [单项选择]巨幼细胞贫血的口腔表征为() A. 口腔黏膜苍白色,以唇、舌、龈明显 B. 舌背黏膜广泛发红,呈鲜牛肉色 C. 口腔黏膜苍白,并可出现瘀点、瘀斑或血肿 D. 牙龈明显增生、肥大、水肿 E. 牙龈炎,牙龈自发性出血 参考答案:B 答案解析:选项A符合缺铁性贫血的表现,选项B符合巨幼细胞贫血,选项C符合再生障碍性贫血,选项D、E无出现在贫血的口腔表征。