第17题: [单项选择]用薄层色谱法检查游离肼的药物是() A. 肾上腺素 B. 异烟肼 C. 盐酸四环素 D. 地西泮 E. 氟康唑 参考答案:B 答案解析:本题考查药物的检查。肾上腺素在生产中由其酮体经氢化还原制得,若氢化不全,则易引入酮体杂质,利用酮体在310nm波长处有最大吸收,肾上腺素在次波长处无吸收,用紫外一可见分光光度法进行检查。异烟肼中游离肼
第20题: [单项选择]Which of the following conditions may need to be reduced when operating a large, low speed, main propulsion, diesel engine at low loads?() A. Injection pressures B. Control air supply pressure C. Cooling water flow through after-coolers D. Lube oil temperature 参考答案:C