A. think went B. think to have gone C. thought went D. thought had gone 参考答案:D 答案解析:时态用法。因为“现在”已经知道李教授仍在北大任教,“以为出国”是曾经有过的看法,因此用I thought;后面相应地用had gone。注意;I thought为插入语。
第16题: [单项选择]猩红热邪毒内归肺脾肾脏可导致 A. 痹证 B. 心悸 C. 昏痉 D. 水肿 E. 阴伤 参考答案:D 答案解析:[评析] 本病的病因病机为痧毒疫邪由口鼻而入,蕴于肺胃,化热化火,上熏咽喉,外泄肌肤。热毒炽盛者,还可由气人营,表现为毒炽气营,甚则内陷心肝,而见昏痉。后期损伤阴液,表现为肺胃阴伤。若邪毒损伤心气,或
A. Because Anwar did not embody his ideal. B. Because Anwar turned out to be a total failure. C. Because Anwar has stood beside the old nationalist. D. Because his dream become true. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[试题分析] 该题得从整体把握。 [详细解答] 首先Anwar是Mahathir的梦,他的儿子,后来则变成rebel,son,因为“the rebel son who has stood bes