A. They were treating industrial waste. B. They were tanking industrial waste. C. They were tanking chemicals. D. They were using a tank to mix chemicals. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文]26-27 Two workers died and six were badly injured yesterday after apparently inhaling t
第36题: [单项选择]下列词语中,加点的字每组读音都相同的一项是()。 A. 编撰/酒馔孱弱/潺潺骇人听闻/言简意赅 B. 隔阂/弹劾泥淖/阔绰竭泽而渔/桀骜不驯 C. 啜泣/辍学麻痹/裨益卷帙浩繁/鳞次栉比 D. 木讷/呐喊荟萃/纯粹浑身解数/不屑置辩 参考答案:C 答案解析:A项骇(hài)人听闻/言简意赅(gāi);B项泥淖(nào)/阔绰(chuò);D项木讷(nè)/呐(nà)喊。因此本题选C。