A. were treated unequally by American Indians B. were willing to support newcomers financially C. were great helpers of slaves and Indians D. were reluctant to help newcomers to adapt to the new surroundings 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析]推理判断题。文章首段第三句提到“As each group became...from full participation in the society.”(每个移民团体变得更有钱更强大时,
第28题: [多项选择]下列关于1993年3月1日以后开户的整存整取定期储蓄存款利息计算说法错误的有()。 A. 提前支取的,不论存期长短,均以支取日活期利率计息 B. 提前支取的,按活期利率分段计息 C. 过期部分(除约定转存外)不论存期长短均以支取日活期利率计利息 D. 过期部分(除约定转存外)不论存期长短均以活期利率分段计息 参考答案:B,D