第6题: [单项选择]{{B}}Question 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. The woman came back late. B. The woman didn’t bring the man a gift. C. The woman forgot to buy a birthday cake. D. The woman forgot to come to the birthday party. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
W:I’m sorry.I came back in hurry and forgot to buy the birthday cake.
M:I told you it is ou
第12题: [单项选择]患者女性,46岁,白带增多1年,偶而呈粉红色,近3个月有性交出血,月经尚规则,妇科检查见宫颈中度糜烂,子宫正常大小,质软、双侧附件无异常所见。阴道镜下活检有癌细胞已突破基底膜5mm,有淋巴管被侵袭及病状融合现象。该患者如果不接受手术治疗,其放射治疗的最主要方法为()。 A. 腔内照射配合体外照射 B. 化疗配合腔内照射 C. 粒子置入配合体外照射 D. 适形照射配合化疗 E. 体外照射及调强 F. 腔内放射治疗 参考答案:A