第22题: [单项选择]对慢性乙型肝炎(中度)的治疗,哪项不正确 A. 禁酒、避免劳累、适当休息 B. 可用保肝、降酶、退黄药物 C. 应用免疫调节药物 D. 抗病毒治疗 E. 注射乙肝疫苗 参考答案:E 答案解析:[解题思路] 本题考察对乙肝治疗原则的掌握。对慢性乙型肝炎(中度)的治疗原则:除注射乙肝疫苗外,其他如禁酒、避免劳累、适当休息,可用保肝、降酶、退黄药物,应用免疫调节药物,抗病毒治疗均适用。
第28题: [单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.[A] He already knows how to play. [C] He doesn’t have a partner. [B] He doesn’t like to play games. [D] He doesn’t have enough free time. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] Why does the man refuse the woman’s offer