第8题: [单项选择]根据无牙颌解剖标志与全口义齿的关系,属于缓冲区的解剖标志是() A. 系带附丽部 B. 上颌后堤区 C. 腭部穹隆区 D. 舌下腺 E. 切牙乳突 参考答案:E 答案解析:切牙乳突虽为一软组织突起,但下方为切牙孔,有鼻腭神经通过。覆盖该处的义齿基托组织面需适当缓冲避免压迫产生疼痛。舌下腺可随下颌舌骨肌的运动上升或下降,此处基托边缘不应过长,但不必缓冲。腭部穹隆区是义齿的
第9题: [单项选择]镜架调整的主要内容包括()。 A. 顶点间隔 B. 镜框大小 C. 镜框高度 D. 镜框宽度 参考答案:A
A. they thought they were richer than the Southern slave owners B. they were winners in the Civil War C. they wanted to show off their fortune D. they wanted to learn from the Southerners 参考答案:C