小儿,1岁,出生体重3kg。自幼以人工喂养, 10个月后食欲低下,不愿进食,多哭闹,渐消瘦。大便呈不消化状,每天2~3次。体检时测体重6.5 kg,身长73cm,腹部皮褶厚度0.1cm。 |
An orator, whose purpose is to persuade
men, must speak the things they wish to hear, an orator, whose purpose is to
move men, must also avoid disturbing the emotional effect by any obtrusion of
intellectual antagonism, but an author, whose purpose is to instruct men, who
appeals to the intellect, must be careless of their opinions and think only of
truth. It will often be a question when a man is or is not wise in advancing an
unpalatable opinion, or in preaching heresies. But it can never be a question
that a man should be silent if unprepared to speak the truth as he conceives it.
Deference to popular opinion is one great source of bad writing and is all the
more disastrous because the deference is paid to some purely hypothetical
requirement. When a man fails to see the truth of certain generally
accepted views, there is no law compelling him to provoke A. disregards the reaction of his audience B. appeals to emotions C. tells his listeners what they already think D. is heretical [填空题]一般每半月对煤场测温一次,煤堆温度要低于50℃,高于此温度要进行()。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]虽然煤与瓦斯突出的发生很突然,但在突出前大都有预兆。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我国1994年税制改革新增的税种是
A.增值税 B.消费税 C.营业税 D.关税 [简答题]疑似败血症病人做病原学检查时应注意哪些事项?
A.道床厚度 B.道床顶面宽度 C.道床顶面坡度 D.道床边坡坡度 [多项选择]合同变更的原因包括( )。
A. 基于法律的直接规定 B. 因出于自身利益考虑而变更合同 C. 当事人达成协议变更协议 D. 因重大误解订立合同 E. 不受约束随意更改 [单项选择]结构化系统分析与设计中的详细设计包括 Ⅰ.代码设计 Ⅱ.逻辑设计 Ⅲ.输入输出设计 Ⅳ.模块设计和功能设计 Ⅴ.程序设计 Ⅵ.数据库文件设计
A. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ和Ⅳ B. Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ和Ⅵ C. Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ和Ⅵ D. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ和Ⅵ [单选题]全脂奶粉加开水冲调,使其成分与鲜牛奶相似,其容积比应是
A. 1:1 B. 1:2 C. 1:4 D. 1:6 E. 1:8 [单项选择]以等电位线为轴,QRST波群的主峰方向连续自上而下,又自下而上的扭转()
A. 室性心动过速 B. 心室扑动 C. 房性心动过速 D. 心房颤动 E. 尖端扭转型室速 [多项选择]有猝死危险的心律失常有()。
A. 心房颤动 B. 心室颤动 C. 阵发性室性心动过速 D. 窦性心动过缓 E. Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞 [单选题]3 月 5 日,由中国航天科技集团有限公司六院研制的( )液氧煤油火箭发动机全工况半系统试车取得圆满成功,标志着我国( )重型运载火箭发动机关键技术攻关取得重要突破,为后续重型运载火箭工程研制打下坚实基础
A.500 吨级 B.1000 吨级 C.1500 吨级 D.300 吨级 [单选题]在中性点()接地系统中,当发生单项接地故障时,一般允许运行2h,需发出报警信号
A.直接 B.经小电阻 C.经消弧线圈 D.经小电容 [判断题]团体旅客乘车时,车站应优先安排。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]当监控系统无法正常启动时,如下哪些方法可以用于检查故障?()
A.检查网卡是否故障 B.检查后台工作站网络地址是否对应 C.重启开门狗程序 D.重新安装操作系统 [单选题]使用电话闭塞法行车时,列车占用区间的行车凭证为( ) 。
A.绿色许可证 B.路票 C.红色许可证 D.调度命令 我来回答: 提交