A firm’s cash flows can be divided into
cash flow from: (1) operating activities (2) investment activities, and (3)
financing activities. The operation activity cash flows are cash flows--inflows
and outflows--directly related to origination and sale of the financial firm’s
assets and to operating costs such as general market activities, security
trading activities, interest received and foreclosed collateral. Investment
activity cash flows are cash flows and financial investments. Clearly, purchase
transactions would result in cash outflows whereas sales transaction would
generate cash inflows. The financing activity cash flows result from debt and
equity financing transactions. Borrowing and repaying either short - term
debt or long - term debt would result in a corresponding cash inflow or outflow.
Similarly, the sale of common or preferred stock would A. assets and liabilities B. sources and uses of cash C. items of interest income D. dividends paid [单选题] 多数数控加工中心机床换刀时都规定( )的位置,主轴只有运动到规定位置时,机械手才可以执行换刀动作。
A.跟踪换刀 B.换刀点 C.机械手 D.主轴 [单项选择]胞内有大量细胞内分泌小管和微管泡系统的细胞是( )
A. 表面粘液细胞 B. 壁细胞 C. 主细胞 D. 颈粘液细胞 [填空题]与急性肾小球肾炎有关的细菌是()。
[判断题]zdgz中队装备技师负责具体组织做好本中队个人防护装备的管理、保养工作。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血沉测定的临床应用除外的是
A. 血液流变学指标 B. 观察风湿热活动情况 C. 辅助诊断结核病 D. 防止心肌梗死复发 E. 辅助鉴别良恶性肿瘤 [单选题]3.6. 第6题 根据《必须招标的工程项目规定》(国家发展改革委令第16号)文件要求,对我省必须在政府公共资源交易
中心公开招标的居配工程招标限额进行调整:物资单项合同估算价在()。 A.50万元以上 B.100万元以上 C.200万元以上 D.400万元以上 [多选题]生活区应设置()、()或(),施工区应配备流动保温水桶。
A.净水器 B.咖啡机 C.开水炉 D.电热水器 E.保温水桶 [单项选择]轴系调整时,在满足联轴器中心要求的前提下,重点应考虑()。
A. 轴颈扬度 B. 转子对汽缸前后轴套洼窝中心 C. 轴颈下沉 D. 轴颈扬度及转予对汽缸的轴封套洼窝中心 [多选题]电网管理单位停电检修,以空气开关等无明显断开点的设备作为停电隔离点时,在断开点应采取( )等措施防止误送电。
A.设置绝缘隔离挡板 B.悬挂标示牌 C.加锁 D.专人看守 我来回答: 提交