Michael, an American professional
basketball player, is considered by many to be the greatest player in basketball
history. The 6 feet 6 inches shooting guard first became known as an
(61) individual scorer, but as he matured as a player he
(62) a more team-oriented approach to the game. Jordan led
the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association (NBA) championships.
His widespread (63) fans helped make basketball one of the
world’s most popular (64) sports. Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, the fourth of five children born to the family. Long before his basketball (65) emerged, young Michael liked to play baseball with his father. As A. driving B. dragging C. drilling D. dripping [单选题]LTE系统中定义了无线帧来进行信号的传输,1个无线帧的长度为()
A.5ms B.10ms C.15ms D.20ms [单选题]土层锚杆预应力张拉至设计荷载的( )后,再按设计要求锁定。
A. 0.8-0.9倍 B. 0.9-1.0倍 C. 0.7-0.8倍 D. 0.75-0.9倍 [单选题]总行( )负责制定柜面业务专用印章的管理制度和使用规范,并对全行柜面业务专用印章管理和使用进行监督检查。
A.稽核审计部 B.法律合规部 C.风险管理部 D.运营管理部 [单项选择]肝动脉提供肝脏全部血液供应的()
A. 15%~19% B. 20%~30% C. 31%~40% D. 41%~50% E. 51%~60% [多选题]370.【多选题】敷料的作用
A.保护穿刺点 B.避免污染 C.固定导管 D.预防静脉炎 E.预防导管相关性血流感染 [多项选择]根据我国民事诉讼法的规定,下列哪些案件被告住所地法院有管辖权( )
A. 某航班飞机延误,部分乘客对航空公司提出违约赔偿之诉 B. 某公共汽车因为违章行驶而与其他车辆发生碰撞,受伤乘客向公交公司提出损害赔偿之诉 C. 原告对下落不明的被告提起的给付扶养费的诉讼 D. 货轮甲和客轮乙在我国领海上相撞,途经此海域的属于丙公司的客轮对甲乙两船人员进行了救助,后丙公司向我国法院提起诉讼,请求支付救助费 [判断题]安全吊带按其结构型式可以分为坐式安全吊带、胸式安全吊带和全身式安全吊带。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]偏Ⅰ层位停测位置向上到井口处管柱有漏失,导致井下流量计测试水量( )注水井水表水量。
A.高于 B.低于 C.等于 D.不确定 我来回答: 提交