Text 2 Most experts believe that an ever-increasing number of countries and terrorist groups will gain the technical capability to acquire and use chemical and biological weapons. But use of these weapons by hostile states or terrorist groups is not inevitable. Even when locked in bloody conventional wars, nations that have considered using these weapons have generally been deterred by the risk that their opponents would retaliate in the same way or escalate the conflict elsewhere. Terrorist groups with the technical capacity to acquire and use a chemical or biological weapon have typically lacked an interest in doing so, while groups interested in such weapons have generally lacked the necessary technical skills. Assessing future threats, however, involves more than simple extrapolation from past tren A. Argumentative. B. Imaginative. C. Objective. D. Negative. [判断题]现场临时用电设备接地线可以串联连接后接入接地系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]参与公司系统所承担电气工作的外单位或外来人员工作前,设备运维管理单位应告知( )。
A.作业方法 B.现场电气设备接线情况 C.危险点 D.安全注意事项 [单项选择]A. Walking.
B. Car-pooling. C. Taking public transit. D. Driving cars only on the weekend. [单项选择]大豆蛋白应用于肾病综合征的蛋白质补充,其优点不包括()。
A. 降低肾小球滤过率 B. 减轻肾血流量 C. 减轻肾小球高灌注、高压力 D. 有效预防肾病综合征引起的骨质疏松 E. 可放宽蛋白质摄入量 [多项选择]佛山是武术之乡,以下哪个名人祖籍在佛山?()
A. 李小龙 B. 叶问 C. 洪熙官 D. 黄飞鸿 [单选题] 新中国成立初期,人民政府为稳定市场、安定人心,严厉打击投机倒把活动,经过( ),稳定了物价,结束了我国连续十多年物价暴涨的局面。
A.“银圆之战”和“米棉之战” B.“银圆之战”和“煤油之战” C.“煤油之战“和“米棉之战” D.“米棉之战”和“债券之战” [单选题]S700K电动转辙机的单线圈电阻不大于( )。
A.50Ω B.54Ω C.58Ω D.64Ω [单项选择]高压给谁加热器采用()。
A. 钢管 B. 铜管 C. 铝管 D. 铸管 [单选题]使用约束带正确的是( )
A. 符合使用指征即可使用 B. 使用前不一定取得病人的同意 C. 躁动病人约束带可拉紧以防脱落 D. 保护性制动时间可随意延长 E. 约束带下垫的衬垫松紧要适度 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》规定,行李、包裹到站后,在规定的免费保管期内,应在票面指定的( )保管。
A.到站 B.到站行李房 C.地点 D.到站仓库内 [判断题]在隧道内超车时,由于空间狭小要观察仔细迅速超越。
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