Lichens can be spectacular for anyone
who cares to look, but few people take the trouble. Often modestly colored, and
seemingly two-dimensional as they cling to whatever surface they find, they grow
in background - as though designed to be ignored. Yet they hold a special
fascination for botanists, partly because they present mysteries still to be
solved and partly because they do so many things so well. No casual observer ’of a lichen would ever suspect that it was a composite of interacting life forms. This seemingly uncomplicated lichen is actually composed of a fungus and a colony of algae (or blue-green algae, which some scientists now consider to be bacteria). A few species even include all three of these diverse forms of life. A complete lichen is strikingly different from its separated partners in both appearance and A. what lichens look like B. where lichens can be found C. how lichens are classified D. how lichens reproduce [单选题]低压装表接电时,应先接电后安装计量装置。
A.对 B.错 [单选题]管形母线上安装隔离开关静触头或调整管母线,必须使用()。
A.高空作业车 B.吊车 C.铲车 D.升降机 E.略 F.略 [多选题]党员齐某受到留党察看两年处分。在留党察看处分期间,齐某没有()。
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A.主管回访保修业务的部门 B.回访保修的执行单位 C.回访的对象及其工程名称 D.回访投诉 [单选题]十九大报告指出了党的建设的总要求,并强调全面推进党的“五个建设”,其中处于统领地位,是管党治党的治本之策。( )
A.思想建设组织建设 B.政治建设纪律建设 C.制度建设作风建设 D.理论建设制度建设 [单选题]改革开放以来我们取得一切成绩和进步的根本原因,归结起来就是:开辟了中国特色社会主义道路,形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系,确立了中国特色社会主义制度,发展了( )。
A.中国特色社会主义旗帜 B.中国特色社会主义文化 C.中国特色社会主义精神 D.中国特色社会主义目标 [多选题]查库实施的时间可在( )。
A.营业前 B.营业期间 C.营业终了 D.网点轮休 [单选题]浸润型肺结核大咯血采取
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