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发布时间:2024-06-25 04:56:38

[不定项选择题]两位经济学家正在讨论男女劳动者之间的收入差异问题,经济学家甲指出,社会上确实存在对女性劳动者的歧视问题,比如,在具有相同受教育程度且从事相同职业的情况下,女性劳动者的工资往往也比男性低,这就是一种明显的歧视现象。而经济学家乙则指出,即使是当女性劳动者的生产率特征相同,仍然有很多正当的理由可以解释女性劳动者和男性劳动者之间存在的工资差异。 经济学家甲指出的歧视现象属于( )。


[不定项选择题]共用题干 两位经济学家正在讨论男女劳动者之间的收入差异问题,经济学家甲指出,社会上确实存在劳动者的歧视问题,比如,在具有相同教育程度且从事相同职业的情况下,女性劳动者的工资往往也比男性低,这就是一种明显的歧视现象,而经济学家乙指出,即使是当女性劳动者的生产率特征相同,仍然有很多正当的理由可以解释女性劳动者和男性劳动者之间存在的工资差异。根据以上资料,回答下列问题: 可以对生产率特征相同的女性劳动者和男性劳动者之间的工资差异加以解释的原因包括()。
[不定项选择题]两位经济学家正在讨论男女劳动者之间的收入差异问题,经济学家甲指出,社会上确实存在对女性劳动者的歧视问题,比如,在具有相同受教育程度且从事相同职业的情况下,女性劳动者的工资往往也比男性低,这就是一种明显的歧视现象。而经济学家乙则指出,即使是当女性劳动者的生产率特征相同,仍然有很多正当的理由可以解释女性劳动者和男性劳动者之间存在的工资差异。 可以对生产率特征相同的女性劳动者和男性劳动者之间的工资差异加以解释的原因包括( )。
[不定项选择题]资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。 The word “globalization” is in daily use throughout the world.Variously referred to as mondialisation in French, globalisierung in German, or Quan qui hua in China (Scholte, 1996), news articles, television, and even textbooks often use the word “globalization” to mean many different things. Author Jan Pieterse (1995) asserts there are almost as many conceptualizations of globalization as there are disciplines in the social sciences.Teachers and scholars in disciplinessuch as management,marketing,finance,accounting,and economics also use the word “globalization” to mean different things.For example,some believe globalization is the absence of borders and barriers to trade between nations (Ohmae,1995),but also it has been described as a shift in traditional patterns of international production,investment,and trade(Dicken,1992). Another popular conception of globalization is that it is a business strategy that means doing everything the same everywhere(Kanter and Dretler,1998).Others believe globalization is interconnections between overlapping interests of business and society (Brown 1992;renesch 1992).As you can see,these definitions differ in significant ways.Because definitions,descriptions,and visions of globalization vary widely,it is difficult to know what it means for businesses to go “global”. What probably will be further discussed in the following paragraph?( )
A.what globalization means for businesses.
B.how definitions differ from each other.
C.how businesses go “global”.
D.the definition of the term “globalization”.
[不定项选择题]资料:之后,经济学家Mr.X展望了中欧之间的商业机遇,请根据下列资料回答问题。 Finding a trustworthy supplier This is perhaps the most important step in your import business. A serious and dependable supplier minimizes any concerns on quality, trust and disputes. There are a number of sourcing sites where you can find suppliers from massive directories. To find the right one can be a laborious task, but your work can be made easier by going to sites that screen suppliers before they are listed-like Global Sources Online. Under their “verified suppliers” system, suppliers need to have their company information and contact person verified and are visited 3 times in-person before being authenticated as a “verified supplier”. This also means if you pick a export-ready. Once you’re in contact with prospective supliers, address all your quality concerns with the right questions. State your requirements to suppliers clearly-like product warranty, key specifications and order terms. Alternatively, some suppliers will provide product samples if you ask, so you can first test them yourself. lf you’re happy with the quality of this sample shipment, you can order in bulk. lf possible, try and attend a sourcing fair to test samples free of charge. Most sourcing fairs are organized around themes like “Clothing & Garments” or “Electronics”, so buyers like you can meet all the specialized sellers of the produts you want. Factory visits and inspections China’s business environment is changing rapidly, and you’d be surprised how much factories can develop in a year. If this is too much trouble for you, consider appointing a local agent or third-party quality (3PQ) firm to inspect the factory on your behalf. Get someone who speaks the language and knows local business conditions enough to make a good judgment. Most agents usually charge by commission from the amount of goods you import, and also inspect the output before it gets shipped. What may the author discuss later?( )
A.His own stories about visiting China.
B.The quality of Chinese goods.
C.Why should foreign businessmen do business in China?
D.Other important steps of doing business in China.
[不定项选择题]经济学家保罗罗默指出,知识生产、应用和扩散的效率与知识的积累及人力资本正相 关。 而正是这两点,发展中国家同发达国家存在着巨大差距,这种差距虽然使发展中国家在知 识的选择和应用方面可以有较大的回旋余地,但同时使得他们与发达国家在国际分工中因地位 和优势的不同形成垂直分工的关系,因而处于不利地位,甚至随着新的技术壁垒的形成而形成 新的“中心—依附”关系,加大贫富差距。 文中画线部分“而正是这两点”中的“这”指代的是:
[不定项选择题]资料:之后,经济学家Mr.U与你讨论了一些潜在的问题,请根据下列资料回答问题。 KGV is s traditional high-street music retailer.Based in Amsterdam,it has 12 stores in the Netherlands,three of which are mega stores.Some years ago,it expanded into the rest of Europe and now owns 65 stores-eight of these are mega stores.The company is at present going through a difficult period.Over the last three years,profits have steadily fallen,from 450m Euros to 290m Euros.The mega stores’sales have risen by ,accounting for of the company’s turnover, but the increased revenue has been achieved only by heavy expenditure on advertising and promotion. Fierce competition,a narrow product range and a lack of innovation are some of the reasons for KGV’s poor performance.The management are concerned,especially,that they are not exploiting the opportunities offered by selling through the Internet. What kind company is KGV?( )
A.It is music studio.
B.It is an advertising agency.
C.It is a high-street music retailer.
D.It is a consulting firm.
[不定项选择题]资料:之后,经济学家Mr.W谈了谈对中国的一些看法,请根据下列资料回答问题。 China is an emerging economic giant with almost endless potential for business opportunities. Guan xi-meaning “connections” or “relationship”-is a Chinese way of doing business and is practically considered an art form there. It involves exchanging “favors” when you need something done. Many Chinese business people see it as a way to solidify relationships, get things done, and cultivate well-being. To Westerners, however, it often looks more like graft in the form of bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks. Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption. However, China is cracking down by enacting stricter anticorruption laws and prosecuting violators. In 2007, China’s former director of the State Food and Drug Administration was executed for taking bribes. What can be inferred from passage?( )
A.he German-based corruption watchdog is probably a committee which makes sure that companies do not act illegally or irresponsibly.
B.Bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks are illegal in the commercial activities.
C.Westerners are more critical about Guan xi in business.
D.All of above.


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