George had stolen some money, but the
police had caught him and he had been put in prison. Now his trial was about to
begin, and he felt sure that he would be found guilty and sent to prison for a
long time. Then he discovered that an old friend of his was one of the members of the jury at his trial. Of course, he didn’t tell anybody, but he managed to see his friend secretly one day. He said to him, "Jim, I know that the jury will find me guilty of having stolen the money. I cannot hope to be found not guilty of taking it—that would be too much to expect. But I should be grateful to you for the rest of my life if you could persuade the other members of the jury to add a strong recommendation for mercy to their statement that they consider me guilty." "Well, George," answered Jim, "I shall certainly try to do what I A. an individual who works in a court B. a number of people who work under the judge at a trial C. a dozen people who decide whether someone on trial is guilty or not D. eleven persons who are in a position to make final decision at a trial [单项选择]患者,男,42岁,搬重物后出现腰痛伴左下肢疼痛3天,咳嗽、喷嚏时加重,卧床后缓解,体检:L3~5棘突及其左侧压痛,左侧直腿抬高试验40°(+),左小腿外侧痛觉减退,双侧膝腱及跟腱反射正常对称,弯腰活动明显受限,X线片示L4~5椎间隙略窄。目前不宜选择()。
A. 腰椎牵引 B. 超短波治疗 C. 直流电药物离子导入 D. 腰背肌抗阻肌力训练 E. 电脑中频治疗 [单选题]单选题有机热载体锅炉是
A.燃油锅炉 B.介质为导热油的锅炉 C.水管锅炉 [单项选择]煤矿井下爆破应()雷管型号。
A. 由炮决定 B. 由总工程师决定 C. 由生产班决定 [简答题]在类的方法名前面和成员变量名前面加上public和protected有何区别?
A. TELNET B. FTP C. SSH D. HTTP [单项选择]诊断直肠癌最重要且简便易行的方法是()
A. 纤维结肠镜检查 B. X线钡剂灌肠 C. 直肠镜检查 D. 直肠指检 E. 大便常规 [单项选择]下列抗菌药中,肾衰时无需减量的是
A. 复方新诺明 B. 庆大霉素 C. 卡那霉素 D. 头孢氨苄 E. 红霉素 [单选题]当层间高度大于( )m 时,应选用桁架支模或钢管立柱支模。当层间高度小于或等于( )m 时,可采用木立柱支模。
A.3 B. 4 C.5 D.6 [单项选择]GPS卫星导航系统测速原理核心问题讲的是测()求速度。
A. 伪距离 B. 伪距离差 C. 多普勒频移 D. 多普勒频移积分值 [单项选择]如果吴先生未来10年内每年年初获得10000元,年利率为8%,则10年后这笔年金的终值为( )元。
A. 145655 B. 156455 C. 155546 D. 165455 [判断题]行车工作必须坚持集中领导、统一指挥、逐级负责的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据每次同时紧线的根数,紧线方式分为()。
A.单线法 B.双线法 C.三线法 D.数线 [判断题]机组成员和加入机组成员的手提行李限制为每人两件;机组成员的工作箱不在两件手提行李之内
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]正弦交流电的电压峰值和电流峰值为Um和Im,则视在功率有效值是( )。
A.1.732UmIm B.2UmIm C.UmIm/1.414 D.UmIm/2 [判断题]按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:井控装备投入使用后,钻井工程师负责管理,大班司钻协助,班组负责操作、维护保养和按照SY/T5964《钻井井控装置组合配套、安装调试与使用规范》要求每班开展巡检。
( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]钢模板部件拆除后,临时堆放处与楼层边沿的距离不应小于()。
A.0.8m B.1.0m C.1.1m D.1.2m [单选题]ZLD800型电动吊篮的额定速度不大于()m/min。
A.8 B.12 C.2 [单选题]未按程序操作,造成滑梯、救生筏充放或散包。
A.一般差错 B.严重差错 C.一般事故征候 [简答题]简述合格带教老师必须具备的条件。
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